MP4 Joiner - join MP4 files, merge mp4 merger, combine mp4 combiner

xvid joiner
mp4 joiner
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rmvb joiner
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mpeg4 joiner




MP4 Joiner, MP4 Merger, MP4 Combiner

What is MP4? It is mpeg4 format file which is used to store digital sound and movie. MP4 also supports subtitles and Internet streaming. MP4  is a kind of media container like avi, ogm, mkv.

To Join MP4 files,  please download Open Video Joiner. You can use the video joiner as MP4 Joiner, MP4 Merger, MP4 Combiner to join mp4, merge mp4, or combine mp4 files.

Decoder requirements: the proper mp4 decoder and splitter such as FFDSHOW and Haali Media Splitter.

Encoder requirements: avi encoder such as DivX codec or XviD codec

output format: AVI

How to join mp4 files:

1. Click the Add Video button, select the MP4 files.

2. Click the Options button to change the output file name, frame rate, frame size, resize mode, audio compressor or video compressor.

To change each transition and the transition duration, click the Transition button or rightclick an mp4 in the list.

You may start to merge/combine/join mp4 files directly without any configuration.

To view each mp4 file, doubleclick an mp4 file in the list, Window Media Player will play it automatically.

To preview the transition effect and the output MP4 sequence, click the Preview button. The duration of each MP4 is limited in 10 seconds for your preview the output quickly.

3. At last click the Join button to join mp4 files.

MP4 Joiner, MP4 Merger, MP4 Combiner can join mp4, merge mp4, or combine mp4.

PMP is Portable Multimedia Player. Like PSP it is small and has hard disk to store and play media files. It supports different video format such as mp4, divx, xvid, mpeg, audio (mp3, wav, ogg vorbis) and digital picture (jpg, gif, bmp). Connect the PMP to PC USB, then you may join PMP files to avi file.


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